Sri krishna and Yaduvanshi

Shri Krishna is not just a deity for many but also a source of unquestionable wisdom and guidance in the form of Bhagvad Gita. Several universities in India have included portions of Bhagvad Gita in their curriculum for under graduate and post graduate philosophy class which indicates that the Bhagvad Gita philosophy is still relevant to a large extent. Bhagavad Gita reveals the path to the lost, provides clarity to the confused, and wisdom to all. Here are some timeless principles that students can learn from Geeta

1. Change is the law of the Universe: While the essence is widely different, students can learn from this teaching that nothing is permanent and if they have failed in their endeavor it does not mean that it would remain so forever. Since change is the law of the Universe, their failure will also change. This also brings us to another teaching which says "Work is worship". Work is indeed worship and student's should not shy away from hard work.

2. Man is made by his belief: This is important for all the students. In the age of social media, students mostly suffer from self-doubt and low self- confidence. Belief in their own capabilities is what sets most of the successful students apart. In student life it is very important to have belief in self. Students who believe in their own capabilities often find it easy to climb the ladder to success.

3. Meditation: Bhagvad Gita advocates the benefits of meditation. Meditation has been proven to have lasting effect on students and can help immensely with anxiety during exams or other stressful situations in student life.

4. Dream big: In Bhagvad Gita, Krishna says that we are kept from our goals not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal. This essentially means that a person should dream big and should not be deterred by obstacles in the path to achieve those dreams.


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